Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3The games are quite different from the often-compared Budokai series; they use a 'behind-the-back' third-person camera perspective. Also different from the Budokai series (and more of a throw-back to games from the Super Famicom era), each form is treated as its own character, with varying stats, movesets and fighting styles, similar to Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors while the free roam element is similar to Dragon Ball Z: Sagas. In battle, players can build up their Ki gauge to execute various techniques such as the Power Guard, which reduces the damage characters take by 1/4. The Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to as Blast 2 skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2 skills that allow the character to use special moves such as Ki blasts and physical attacks. Characters also have a self-recharging numeric gauge called Blast Stock that allows players to use techniques called Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually have a supportive effect such as allowing characters to regain health or immobilize the enemy. Players can also power up into a mode called Max Power Mode normally by building up their Ki beyond full at the cost of Blast Stock bars. Max Power Mode makes the character that initiated it faster, stronger, and able to use moves that are exclusive to the mode. One of these moves is the Ultimate Blast which is usually the most powerful move a character has, though use of any Blast 2 skill or the Ultimate Blast immediately ends Max Power Mode
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D ชาร์จพลัง
K แปลงเป็น SUPER SAIYA
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A คือ X
B คือ Z
X คือ C
Y คือ S
Z คือ D
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โปรแกรม Dolphin แบบเปล่าๆนะครับเอาไว้เล่นจอย : Download Click !
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- Enjoy
Edit : ตอนนี้อัพโหลดเสร็จหมดแล้วนะครับ !
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